Paula de Maragno
Doctor of Law from the University of São Paulo – USP. Lawyer.
Graduated in Law from Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo/SP – PUC/SP. Registered with the Brazilian Bar Association since 1998. Full member of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute – IASP. Member of the international network of legal service providers LEGALWEST.
Professional Experience: Began her career as a trainee at the Legal Department of Credit Suisse Hedging-Griffo Corretora de Valores S.A. Worked as an Associate Attorney at Noronha Advogados in São Paulo and London, England. Served as Legal Manager at Almap BBDO Publicidade and at HQ do Brasil (currently Regus do Brasil). Founding partner at Maragno Advogados.

Acácio Cezar Barreto
Graduated in Law from Candido Mendes University (RJ). Senior Lawyer. Registered with the OAB in Rio de Janeiro since 2008 and in São Paulo since 2019. Specialist in Corporate, Business, Banking, Contractual, Civil, Labor, and Tax Law. Postgraduate degrees in Civil Law, Civil Procedure, Business, and Labor Law from AVM Educacional (RJ). Postgraduate degree in Contracts from the Superior School of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Rio de Janeiro. Postgraduate degree in Private Law from the Magistrates School of the State of Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ).

Daniela Alves de Souza
Graduated in Law from FMU. Lawyer. Admitted to the OAB/SP in 2000. Specialist in Family and Succession Law and Environmental Law. Conciliator and Mediator at the Family and Succession Court and Cejusc [Judicial Center for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship]. Full member of the OAB/SP Family and Succession Law Committee. Speaker at the OAB SP Culture and Events Committee.

Renata Penna
Graduated in Law from FMU. Lawyer. Admitted to the OAB/SP in 2011. Graduate Degree in Civil Law and Consumer Law from EPD - Escola Paulista de Direito.

Rosângela Kayayan Montagnin

Jefferson Costa

João Henrique Marques

Rafael Santana
Law student from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Trainee.

David Cardoso