Strategic solutions in labor consultancy for efficient risk management.
New work relationships require managers with a humanized vision, focused on sustainable relationships, based on care and social development. Although it seems like a new concept, the S of ESG (acronym in English for Environment, and Social Governance), permeates labor issues and the impacts arising from this relationship.
Legislation and market trends point to the need for companies to act diligently throughout the entire production chain, observing relationships with suppliers, employees and outsourced workers, with clear internal policies, effective communication and ongoing training.
This set of best practices should guide the Human Resources areas to avoid future problems such as workplace accidents and/or the development of occupational diseases. For such, Maragno Advogados counts on a full team of professionals with extensive experience in preventive and consultative action, risk analysis, labor audit, drafting and analysis of employment contracts.
Our office also works in the drafting, defense or filing of legal actions to defend clients, in any instance of the Labor Court, in a striking manner or proposing the best agreements, as long as we identify that it is the least costly solution.
We develop jurisprudential trend studies (jurimetrics) for each case, aiming at statistical analysis of the probability of success of clients in their demands, defining strategies and scoring risks, keeping the client always informed about the procedural progress.
Our labor area also has experience in customized service to work together with companies' Legal and Human Resources Departments in the most diverse phases and instances of processes, including external audit reports and provisioning.
Description of services
1) Preparation and/or analysis of contracts: creation or review of employment contracts, ensuring that they comply with legislation and protect the company's interests;
2) Defense in labor actions (individual and collective): defense of companies in legal proceedings brought by employees to protect their rights and interests;
03) Labor advice and consultancy:specialized legal guidance on labor issues, assisting companies in the correct interpretation and application of laws;
04) Labor litigation:representation of companies in labor court proceedings, defending their interests before the courts;
05) Preventive and consultative: provision of preventive services to avoid future litigation, as well as consultative guidance on labor practices and legal compliance;
6) AUDITORIA TRABALHISTA: realização de análises e revisões internas nas políticas e procedimentos trabalhistas das empresas, identificando eventuais riscos e irregularidades;
6) ANÁLISE DE RISCOS E PROVISIONAMENTO: avaliação e gestão dos riscos trabalhistas e provisionamento de valores para contingências legais;
7) S DO ESG: atuação em práticas relacionadas ao ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), como a implementação de políticas de inclusão, não discriminação e diversidade, cumprimento de legislação PCD e combate ao assédio;
8) ESTUDO DE TENDÊNCIA JURISPRUDENCIAL (JURIMETRIA): realização de estudos e análises sobre tendências e decisões judiciais no campo trabalhista, auxiliando na tomada de decisões estratégicas;
9) TERCEIRIZAÇÃO: assessoria em questões relacionadas à terceirização de serviços, garantindo a conformidade legal e evitando passivos trabalhistas;
10) ELABORAÇÃO E REVISÃO DE POLÍTICAS INTERNAS DA EMPRESA: auxílio na criação e revisão das políticas internas, como código de conduta e políticas de recursos humanos;